Friday, November 18, 2011

The Facebook University

Recently i got an update on face book, stating the Chinese taking over solar markets in U.S creating job issues. I was stunned with the news, and immediately switched on to the Down to Earth fortnightly magazine site to view the full story. It wasn’t even a second more, and there flashed another update by my friend prachi.....
Oh.....i missed Rockstar movie’s first scene .....  
It’s a baby girl for bachchans........ and many more....
Updates are very updated these days. The world of education and knowledge-seeking has undergone a paradigm shift. Education, with the slight touch of entertainment is what is liked, loved and accepted by all the societies today at large.
The fact of the matter is Education/knowledge is no more confined to the boundaries of four school walls or class rooms per say, it has broken all the conventional modes of expression and have induced itself in all possible forms. All the forms which people believe in, enjoy staying connected with.... and love being a part of. Not just networking sites like face book does it all, it has Twitter, Linked In and many more to say, do this job of so called EDUTAINMENT. This newly coined word is the truth of today’s times. Be it environmental organisations, reporters, journalists ,politicians or hard core academicians, learning has become so accessible to most of us today. The recent revolution on lokpal bill was certainly exacerbated more and reached the masses, especially the youths, across the country, through all these networking sites more than the news channel could actually do.
There are youth networks running their chapters across the universities/colleges just through emails/face book, connecting the academicians, researchers and students. This phenomenon has even crossed the mobile age. The institutes or universities find no guilt today in displaying their curriculums online and share the link on face books just because they very much now how to get to the right targets with the right mediums. World bank today has a plethora of information updated on climate change on twitter. The news of passing of Steve Jobs, was first flashed on Twitter . Many more like these to quantify the fact that networking sites have all that we need today.
Face book and twitter are no more a medium to just connect yourself to the world known by you; it also means to know the world, known by others, having treasure of opportunities hidden for you. It’s just using the right medium for tight purpose.
These Social networking sites are all inclusive sites of times today. Education + Entertainment is what sells. Edutainment stays the paramount mantra for many today. With the times changing and the revolutions changing the images of multiple things in fraction of seconds, it won’t be wrong to say that, we would no more need physical learning institutions to mainstream education. 
We are probably entering a world where, Google and face book will suffice the needs for education, there is getting created an parallel virtual world, that is slowly taking over the physical forms of learning. Its no more a forced change, but a change that is gradual...yet so revolutionary....virtual yet so real.....and fits in only an 14 inch laptop...but is capable of changing the world around you. So are we ready for this change? Or maybe the change is so fast that probably it is leaving us with no time to actually think...???? Can Google/face book/teacher ever be able to give us the right education, we might want out children to undergo?
I open this debate here; let me know your comments .
POST your comments below

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Climate change? Are you Serious?


Climate change? And what’s that? Yes,  to every one’s surprise, that’s what even most of the Americans ponder upon ,when asked, a recent BBC study revealed? Despite the U.S being the largest contributor to this whole issue, and all the problems which have emerged today as a biggest threat and challenge to the humanity as whole, they still somehow manage to ask this. For a while even i was surprised at their this kind of a cavalier attitude, but then i gave  a thought over it and realised its not just people in the west doing it, but most of us in all parts of the world are doing it. Not knowing a problem and hence no action.... can be excused!!!  But, knowing a problem and still continue ignoring the issue,  i guess invites more trouble.
Climate change is a serious business and not just a matter of making business. Today more than an issue it has become a sophisticated lobby of sophisticated scientists, trying to solve a problem in their own sophisticated pace. Climate is changing today at much faster rate than ever. The warmest years since 1850 have been experienced in the last 12-13 years. So now what do we do with that? Either we continue living with the changing climate and think of adapting it and spend trillions , or alter it ...i repeat  “alter”  not change our lifestyles from an EXPENSIVE to EFFICIENT  one to mitigate the emissions.
Last week i was in Bangkok for our study, we stayed there for over 8 days, and could observe the lifestyles of the people living there. The emissions made by the each individual ( what we call as per capita ) is ,much much higher than those of the Londoners and equivalent to the New yokers. High use of plastic,  high use of vehicular mode, high electricity consumption by industries....together is making Bangkok a worst city ...even worse than cities like Mumbai, Manhattan as far as the emissions are concerned. Despite knowing the fact , that their emissions will be solely responsible to the rise in the level of the very sea which they have their economy dependant on....they are not serious....................??????
 So our thoughts need to be in tandem with our actions, eliminating the gap between the two.

So then what are these climate conventions meant for? Are they just another long holiday for parties, to relax, enjoy and get over with the issues so casually. Can we really get in to the crux of the global issue like climate change and try to solve the same by sitting in an air conditioned conference somewhere on a romantic island, making tonnes of emissions by flying for the emission reduction conventions per say? Its a total oxymoron? What are we doing then? I mean issue like this, that will be having devastating impacts the entire of Asia, including other parts f the world, needs an urgent attention as we can loose the resources  even before we thinking  about saving them.
If the climate emissions are not fastened and the pace to cap them is not geared up then probably we would no more see, Mumbai in 2100 as the risen sea level would have crossed its limits already. Millions of people are expected to be displaced. We won’t be there by that time, but then what about our children why should they pay for our deeds and ignorance,
Think over it...climate change is a serious business and i repeat not just a serious money making buisness. Unbridled exploitation of the natural resources for years and years, today have made us confront this terrible situation, so to get this climate back to its normalcy is a tough task, yet if we act now,  the magnitude of the forthcoming impacts can atleast be redeemed ,if not stopped completely....!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Law of the FEW

In the country of 1,2 billion people, how far it makes sense when we talk of  bringing about a change by handful number of people. Seems to be an oxymoron in the Indian context.But then to support the statement we have these over hyped instances like, the hunger strike by anna hazaare, the Posco project , that is taking the government for a ride and many more like these, sometimes really  make us ponder, does there  still exists in the world of billions the      " law of the few". Most of the revolutionary changes in the world have been brought  by these handful number of elements in the society who, drove the world crazy, leading the society to tip & then watched out for twists leading to an exponentially unbelievable climax.

World  wide the economists believe the revolutionary movements in society work on the Law of the Few.........mass revolutions have always been triggered by few.....there has always been a 80/20 theory in most of the things we encounter ...say for instance 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people, 80% of the beer in the world is consumed by just 20% of the add to the fact.. The theory applies itself aptly, when we zero in on the most talked about issue of the town...Sustainable development, though again sounds like an oxymoron, might tip after a point, when law of the few comes into the picture....
India’s position in climate discourse have always been the topic of debate, being the developing economy.  Corruption, over and ever exploding population,poverty , fluctuating economy, dynamic GDP and not to forget the targets we need to adhere to , to remain in tandem with the other developing economies ...and many more..actually highlights the ultra urgent need to work on the issues like climate change and Sustainable development. 
Historically many incidences state that the law of the few has worked only when the issues have been raised, fought to be worked out and have neared the tipping point, and eventually made  it tip in such a  way that it redefined new theories all together.
The point here i am trying to make is, we often wait for revolutions to arrive, considering the societies at large, and seldom identify the power of few. A sensitive issue like Climate and Sustainability can no more remain subjective.It essentially has multiple dynamics associated with it & needs a bottom up approach, beginning with few masterminds, working on the issue and disseminating the approaches for the world to follow.But then the paradox of the situation is such that, there are too many masterminds and no one to follow, and thats exactly what brings the whole discourse to a stagnancy, and compels us to question,  will the rising issues,in india actually this time override the law of  few? Or will it still continue to lay the same impact in this whole climate discourse?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No costs attached....

I often wonder, do we really have to value only things which come with a price tag? Are priceless things less valued than one with those having them? The entire issue of global warming, climate change exists today ,probably just because there is no cost attached to the use of atmosphere, there is no cost attached to the extent to which our earth is exploited and also, there is no cost attached to the knowledge of traditional practices which are no more trickled down generations, which carry trillions of essentials along with them . We are incidentally allowing this treasure, simply vanish away from our hearts and minds.
                                            Natural Rainwater Harvesting Pond in Barmer

The unbridled neglect of resources, traditions and knowledge is one of the chief reasons, why we are falling short of all of them today and are craving for more. But still that doesn’t stop us from exploiting them. Again, just because there are no costs attached.
I recently happened to explore few villages of Thar desert. Climate has always been harsh in the western Rajasthan, Its just the close proximity of the poor farmers in the region with the environment, their faith in the same and extreme dependency on nature made them value it more and was thus, an inseparable part of their lives. Be it agriculture, be it the traditional rainwater harvesting structures or be it the common property resources, all had CLIMATE ,as the governing factor for their existence. People fostered them, just because they were conversant with the unpredictability of the climate and its resultant consequences.

Today, the tradition is dying. With the advent of technology, Rajasthan is entirely losing out on the base of its tradition. Tractors have taken over traditional animal power practice, the concrete water tanks and piped water supply is very much responsible for the defunctness of the traditional water harvesting systems, Accessibility and affordability is taking the community away from the environment, which some time back formed their identity.
Who is at fault for the same? Is it the Technology? Or our attitude towards it ? The answer to this lies in both. With the interventions in technologies, advances in practices, our traditional wisdom is demoted. There is a tremendous squabble between the modern technology and traditional practice with a total lack of balance. 

I personally feel, with the increase in the scales of  the systems, the pace at which we need to cater to the demand, technology is  a must , but then if it is in tandem with the traditional practice, then the combination of the two would create wonders. The deeper the roots are, taller the tree grows, the more the bow is stretched back, farther the arrow moves. So may be our modern approaches might take us way ahead of time, provided we parallely value what we have left behind. Development is not just burying the traditional wisdom, but approaching it with a novel perspective, and valuing it as it deserves.
Photo courtesy : 
Prachi Aswani   & Rucha Dande

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Social meanings of Climate Change-Rajasthan calling....

The colors of the PAGADIS, the flash of the shining deserts, the wonderful dahi kachauri and lots more precisely defines the “ Rajasthani culture”

"Padharo mare des:” is very aptly phrased. 

It essentially highlights the willingness of the rajasthanis to offer immense hospitality to their visitors. They flatter you with their offerings .
Recently as a part of our training we got an opportunity to understand the economically and socially backward community of rajasthan and their resilience to climate change. IN the pursuit of achieving our targets, i also unknowingly started seeing something that was intangible , hidden, yet very prominent. Something that forms an inseparable part of their lives. Something that we never thought we would study , but actually forms a core backbone of our study, and that’s the sense of contentment amongst the people to the situation , their ways of living. We had been to the villages of barmer meeting the people there..
Unbearably extreme weather conditions.........
seamless boundaries of deserts..............
no life services....
All that the community had , was a "a big curve that set things straight "  - thats their beautiful smile. Immense sense of contentment.
No food to eat, but dozens to offer...
Counting the drops of water, yet no regrets to put forward....
“Take life as it comes to you “ is what forms the baseline of their actions today. Adversity is something that they have learned to live with. Poverty, Ignorance and struggle governs their lives Happiness, contentment and hospitality shapes their lives.

They live the most sustainable way. All the buzz that we talk about sustainable living is, what can be seen reflecting in the ways of living of these people.
Global issues like climate change has shaken the world today. Green thinking, behavioural changes, integrity with the nature, climate responsive architecture....a live demonstration of all these can be seen in the villages of india...

Its our tradition...that we need to go back to....
Its our treasure that we must learn to value....
Climate change is unequivocal..also, the way we look at climate change differs as per the regions and states.Our different social contexts shape the way we look at things.
Rajasthan visit made me experience the social meanings of climate made me realise more profoundly , that our answers to climate change are already been thought of, its just we need to go back an unfold them. It lies somewhere in these experiences that we often forget paying attention to......!!!

Photo courtesy:Prachi aswani
                       Rucha dande

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Strange analogies

Riding the tsunami of popular public support against corruption, our Anna Hazare has sent a giant wave of warning across the country triggering the minds and hearts of every Indian...against CORRRUPTION....his hunger strike and immense determination to raise a voice against corruption, is what is imperative to development today. Invariably corruption is slowly eroding the system & the entities belonging to it. The poison is slow,  but is capable of having catastrophic effects if not addressed at the right time in the right right people...
Slightly drifting from this issue, let’s take another buzz word/issue Climate change, global warming, which is not the concern of India alone, but of the whole world.  To stress the gravity little more....its the issue of the entire planet.....the only planet we have...!!!!! When i ponder upon these issues, there are few analogies which i can find with corruption and climate change...
Both climate change and corruption appear to be very slow & dormant but are very powerful in their impacts , and get disseminated across the sections. Both need a revolutionary approach in order to suppress their otherwise devastating aftermaths...addressing climate change issues is no more a choice but its an imperative. Millions of lives are at stake, with the approaching tsunami of destructions,  which we will be exposed to.
The rising emissions, our lifestyles, our modern society & our demands which have surpassed their benchmarks are all the endproducts of our bad practices and the absolute casual approach with which we are treating this issue  apparently...The rising mercury is an indication that our ignorance will make us pay heavily for our deeds..
Parallel to this is our development and its friend of all good times......corruption.....they hold  a very strong relation...
Both need each other for their survival & sustainance.
Instances like Adarsh scam, Mumbai, Environmental clearance for Nirma factory at Bhavnagar, despite its sensitive location, & violation of norms makes it clear that curtailing corruption is unequivocal also depicts its power to corrode the entire system..
So the bottom line is Climate change and corruption have already found their ways in.....the only way to  show them way out, is to bring about the change in oneself. Common to both is ,change in our behaviours, our attitudes...alterations in our ways of living.....The solutions to these problems are certainly not any rocket science, but if not addressed timely may appear more complicated than the same ....out attitudes, the way we look at things & our behaviours all together will make this change happen. But definitely the simplest of all is the toughest to internalise.....once that is done probably we will no more require great personalities like Anna Hazare &  many other activists like him to stress themselves with strikes, no violations wil head the news....its just,  it needs a just needs a realisation....a realisation enough to bring about that change required.... !!!! The only common thing is to be the change one wants to be....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rethinking NUCLEAR..!!!

                                                                Japan- Before Tsunami

                                                                  Japan-After Tsunami

There are growing calls in Europe for nuclear power to be reassessed and possibly dumped. There are 150 reactors in use within the EU, and replacing them with conventional fossil-fuel based power. Switzerland has put three planned plants on hold and Austria wants a new safety regime for all European reactors.

With the array of disasters hitting JAPAN and devastating every nook and corner of the country, leaves us with a strange but true query...What is that, calls for an urgent need?   “development or clean development.” With the nuclear disaster hitting japan , what can we say? Does clean energy come with such a  huge price TAG ? But then Nuclear being the most clean energy today, in the context of the overarching emissions, where will our decision to rethink nuclear as against conventional one lead us to? What about our protocols and pacts ....what about our reduction targets? Can we, as a developing country afford to not go NUCLEAR?

All these questions may sound hard hitting, but then they need to be addressed. The scale and magnitude of natural disasters are any how out of any one’s reach. So foreseeing them should we not try and take steps to adapt to it? Or shall we place ourselves in a more comfortable situation of not being called as sustainably developed country...??

Emissions are always going to get worse before they get better, and industrialisation of the developing world is where most of this blow-out is occurring.

As per my perception, rethinking nuclear is no solution. Instead we as a country need to attempt to resolve some fundamental issues like , what kind of safeguards should we build to protect ourselves against these high risks (like Japan’s earthquake and tsunami combined)?Another question is: what if we are not nuclear and how long we can afford to be the same?

Also what about the risks & vulnerabilities of the communities placed around? I guess one can just go on when we are on the other side....but then having said this, it does not exempt us from answering them too...!!!!
Probably in the light of japan’s nuclear disaster , one can easily deduce that the strength of the Nuclear realm lies in safeguarding communities and still provide them the clean energy & not opting to choose either of them

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ambitious or Ambiguous???

Click to enlarge 

Rs. 200 crore  proposed to be allocated for launching Environmental Remediation Programmes from National Clean Energy Fund.
Rs. 200 crore proposed to be allocated for Green India Mission Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Rs. 21,000 crore allocated, which is
  40 per cent higher than Budget for 2010-11.
All the facts , all the realities are lost in figures...!!! Where do we find the reality then? In the interiors of india...??? Ooops still to say..
.The "Bharat".. 
Whatsoever is our pace of development, whatsoever would be the numbers , however Big may be the amount declared for the future development ...the question still remains  
are we really developing sustainably?  Or we are just trying to be the mirror images of the West?

                                                                      Click to enlarge 

When i was reading the budget, atleast for the sake of it..i was satisfied to see the
CLIMATE CHANGE & ENVIRONMENT  to be mentioned as a separate identity, with an intention of treating it one. If we are saying we are developing , why are we still known to be a third world country ? Why are still BHARAT and INDIA as two varied entities..though we are geographically one?

The budget does seem to be
ambitious . It hypnotizes us with the  ambiguous picture of development. But then if that is the case where is Environment vanished from the whole drama?
Ironically speaking.... I would be more than happy to hear that “ i must have not read the budget properly”.....!!!! 

With the Himalayas retreating due to the warming, with the heat waves killing people in larger parts of the world, with the floods & tsunamis knocking at our doors, still can we continue developing without considering the environment?

Then why is it so, that our government begins to shiver when it comes to pen down the facts & figures about the catastrophic situation we are in? Why do  
sustainable/ environmental aspects   are still fidgeting to find a place in the such a significant document like BUDGET???
                                                                     Click to enlarge

Declaring hefty cash subsidies is not the end of the game? Wether the amount reaches our poor farmers or not? The budget appears to show a concern about the  
agrarian INDIA , about the farmers, but then is it not invariably necessary to  monitor  the transfer of the same? 

We have all the state of the art malls but no electricity ...we have the entire of real estate booming..inviting huge investments but no infrastructure in place...we have multidimensional ambitions five year plans for development but never seen the dawn of reality due to corruption...we are 30% urban today and soon to be 60% without having solutions and facilities for the large chunk of the urban poor & their vulnerabilities?

With all these do we still have the right to even talk of development without addressing the fundamental errors?
So the budget for me still lies as only  
a well presented speech  which completely undermines the environment and core issues of  sustainable development..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Beyond the TANGIBLE....

Some things do not is our  intangible , it adds life to the spaces. Be it Community interaction  , be it coming together on the festivals or for those evenings or be it children playing all around adding noise and sense of liveliness to the space...
Yes this is what we call as our culture...this represents us..

Recently we had been to the a   Heritage Walk   in the POLS of Ahmdavad, gushing through the ULTRA NARROW lanes of the old city....feels as if every space is calling you..welcoming you....
                                                         The ULTRA NARROW LANES of the Old City

The old city of ahmdavad is very dense, they call it POLS -The community dwelling places. Pol is the ultimate world  for the people staying there.
We were moving through these lanes to explore the rich heritage that was established here by the different rulers of those times. The Islamic, Hindu and Jain architecture truly add to the diversity of the culture as a whole.

                                                                      Poet Dalpatram  


                                                                       The beautiful SWAMINARAYAN TEMPLE
While we were on our way exploring the   dynamics of the spaces  we also in between continuously had glimpses of the people cooking...people washing clothes.....people brushing ( since we had gone at 6 a.m for the walk) doing their Buisnesses as USUAL....
This made me think for a while though this heritage walk was a experience in itself, it actually intruded the personal spaces of the people staying there...we had actually disturbed their sense of privacy totaly...!!!

                                                   Uninterrupted BUISNESS AS USUAL... 
A unique sense of community interaction was observed...we saw the MUSLIMS and the JAINS outside the JUMMA MOSQUE  spending a laughing time together ...we saw the community spaces jam packed with the kids & old people enjoying the outdoors....

Sense of attachment....

Sense of community..........

Sense of understanding..

All these were unequivocally expressed by the people in the pols through their actions...More than the heritage...all these human interactions were actually the
 magnets  to attract the attention of the people...This is what may be they call as the “ Living Heritage " .....The Heritage that lives in itself....that has brought life in the city...and still continues to be the driving force for the immense enthusiasm they hold....making their place,...a better place to evolve...enjoy and celebrate...........!!!!

This heritage walk made us explore the
 True Heritage ...made us realise it does lie in the masterpieces of human  Art and Craft  ... The Human Genius  ...but then they might seem DEAD without the essence and ethos of the actions & activities of the people of the fabric....that add life and a MEANING to the entire picture.
Seeing heritage is probably beyond the Conventional boundaries of the
“ Tangible  Heritage ” we often forget to SEE..

Glimpses of the HERITAGE..... 



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

alternate perception

 This is no virtual blog where i am trying to claim something that is most hyped today- “The Gandhian Values in 21st century”...where we can BLOT PAGES together winning our points over Gandhi’s philosophy or vice versa, but its straight from the experiences we shared with the people in the villages of the land where Gandhiji had marched & fought for our country.

Recollecting those history lessons of our times in schools about the legendary “DANDI MARCH” .....never ever had imagined would be actually be able to visit his place of action.
As a part of our course we were supposed to develop the villages in south Gujarat on the Lines of Gandhian values per se and making it SUSTAINABLE in its own sense..which is another talk of the town these days – The Village of concern was DANDI --Yes the same dandi where the Salt law was broken by Gandhi in 1930’s & marked a revolutionary beginning a new horizon.

We went to the village in the pursuit of some stories about the great fighter....
When we entered the village....we had this so called PERCEPTION of a typical village..the avenues....pinching smell of cattle sheds, the kuchcha roads, and the community spaces which will stare at us when we would cross their zones like the ALIENS in the VILLAGE...and over and above that great stories about our great valiant leader-Mahatma Gandhi..but our perception had an ALTERNATE PERCEPTION too....we soon realised it.

The Heritage house in the villages near dandi....lself contented & self dictating....they do not need us to develop them, any further...

The Gandhi memorial, seemed to be just another place in the village. A calm Silent..least visited ( neither by the villagers nor by the tourists) I guess had gandhiji chosen the beach as its salt law breaking would have been a BIG HIT..anyways the beach stands as the prime attraction...then why not ganghiji’s event???? Strange but TRUE....

Moreover.....strange but true fact of matter was....hardly people staying there even knew what the march was about...( may be it was the third generation staying there) The stories have not even trikled down to the youth today...and so are they least bothered.
Self sufficient village concept of gandhi.....has 60% of people working in Gulf countries for bread butter leaving the families behind & making the the village work on donations & money orders.....

                                                  Yes....!!!! Its in Dandi...NRI's Bunglow....!!!

Gandhian Values....Sustainablilty even today falls as the last section of any given it is so, as it follows a background....a background of reality we face today....NO NO i am not justifying being anti gandhian....but then how many of us today , given a choice ( unless given ) would opt for charkha life???

I mean getting your clothes made by yourself...sounds crazy right??? I am saying this as the altrenate perception , but then its like...can we have one “MUNNA BHAI” preaching Gandhism all around ..but the other line of thought also provokes us to we really have to have any kind of “CHEMICAL LOCHA” in our brains to actually prove we are pro gandhians....will it take so much to convince individuals....or is it....we all should start believing in reincarnations...and wait for another GANDHI to join save our earth..these questions i thought will have answers after i return from dandi...but then they just developed as another side of perception....and continues to haunt me further.....!!!!

                                                                An Alternate Perception 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The other way round...

Have we ever observed things around us carefully??? Daily routine that we follow ,like regular monotonous patterns, we end up missing innumerable details. Our Way of looking at things sometimes follows such amazingly routine patterns of thinking, that we don’t even think of thinking other wise.
Every morning we have this Sabzi wala coming at our gate. And Every morning his wonderful musical voice SCREAMING “ Sabzi Waalo”........... leaves me with no other option but to GET if its the last day of his life & he is fulfilling his last wish of desperately selling his VEGGIES...

 I never thought them to be so important unless we , in our course had a class on SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT IN CITIES yesterday , i realised its the OTHER WAY ROUND .
As a routine , even that day i was compelled to wake up by this CHALTA FIRTA ALARM...I was brushing....he was screaming....i went for a bath...he was still screaming....finally after a LONG PERIOD of one and half hours i left my home.....he was still the same...same place...same tone of screaming...same position...and ofcourse with same electrifying VOICE...

Though it wasn’t a new scene for me...i was observing the engagement of his self with the work , as he was surrounded by tonnes of WOMEN who were worse in their voice pitches than what i thought the sabzi wala was...i just gave a sympathetic look & left for my routine...
We gathered in our class....and began with our discussion with our faculty..on SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT in CITIES today. All the good things...rather bad things in the sky were discussed...the GHG Emissions, The fuel Consumption, Air, buses, railways, LIFESTYLES OF PEOPLE, CITIEs & CONSUMPTION OF RESOURCES , CITIES & their problems....
Suddenly i realised what are we talking reminded me of the


and realised my God we simply do not look at things the way they are...and try to beat around the bush for no reason....all that we were talking about sustainable Transport.....less use of vehicles....what could be a better example that this? NO consumption of EMISSIONS.....NON MOTOSRISED SERVICE at your door step.....He is not a nuisance but its THE OTHER WAY ROUND...we are a problem for him...eating up his place of hawking for our parking requirements....flaunting our cash wealth by driving to RELIANCE FRESH just to avoid walking down the markets close by....and taking over his bread butter....i realised the way we look at things need to be dramatically change to solve many problems...and they would appear to us differently....may be they would no more appear to us as a problem...!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Looking through a different lens...!!!


Very rightly as the Video describes...LATERAL THINKING is just one of the many ways we might approach a problem a DIFFERENT WAY , which might help us identify a non conventional means of solving it..This is just to begin with ,as a part of , what i mean by THE WAY WE LOOK AT THINGS...
No doubt we all have heard the phrase “change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. This is such a powerful phrase because it points out that the one thing you always have control of is your thoughts — which means you can literally choose to feel happy, or not .

After all its all a matter of approach .What we see, what we imagine & ultimately the way we act or react all is governed by our thoughts and our approach towards it. Our Thoughts in turn govern the WAY WE LOOK AT THINGS.

I believe that the environment in which we live , wether good or bad, is partially a reflection of us...We can change or rather better it by changing the way we handle our thoughts rather MANAGE them...!!!