WOW, now thats called a BREAKKING news !! Recently i read in the BBC news stating, now India’s richest shrine TIRUPATHI, is also GOING GREEN. Going green is not just the mantra for multinationals and professionals today, but goes way beyond the boundaries, surpassing all the conventional means of reducing the catastrophe of climate change. It’s inexorable to know this. In the country of 2 Billion people , where our culture, religion and beliefs form the foundation of all crucial moves and decisions , can a move like this serve the potential to make a difference???
As the news mentioned the Shrine has registered itself for carbon credits and thus by saving tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere, the shrine plans to earn credits and then sell them..!! Now isn’t that a WOW...!!! The shrine manages to cater to 50-1, 00,000 devotees per day. To serve plethora of devotes daily, the shrine has used its roof for huge SOLAR PANELS which help them cook independent of diesel use. An initiative like this not only will make the world think on non conventional ways of combating climate change , vis a vis mere negotiations and paper blotting policies , but will also change the way we look at things. Sometimes solutions to few problems are beyond our reach and sometimes they are so close that we often fail to identify them. Religious places have always played an essential role in changing the dynamics of our country. Now who ever imagined, it might also prove its influence on Global issues like climate change.
When socially powerful institutions like these realise their power and strengths, they can create a metamorphosis. A transformation, to bring a revolution. Now we have for the world to say, rather state, that we are not just rich in culture and population, but culture with a difference and population with an attitude to make a difference.