Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Looking through a different lens...!!!


Very rightly as the Video describes...LATERAL THINKING is just one of the many ways we might approach a problem a DIFFERENT WAY , which might help us identify a non conventional means of solving it..This is just to begin with ,as a part of , what i mean by THE WAY WE LOOK AT THINGS...
No doubt we all have heard the phrase “change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. This is such a powerful phrase because it points out that the one thing you always have control of is your thoughts — which means you can literally choose to feel happy, or not .

After all its all a matter of approach .What we see, what we imagine & ultimately the way we act or react all is governed by our thoughts and our approach towards it. Our Thoughts in turn govern the WAY WE LOOK AT THINGS.

I believe that the environment in which we live , wether good or bad, is partially a reflection of us...We can change or rather better it by changing the way we handle our thoughts rather MANAGE them...!!!


  1. Very Good Thought and i do agree with you!! I guess the way you have described this whole philosophy is very clear conveys the right message...keep them coming...waiting for your next blog...

  2. I think it is great to have a " lateral " and certainly a"positive' perspective in life!! "Thinking big" is important but changing and acting on " small" things is equally important to make "big" things happen!!


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  4. this reminds me of a poem in my seventh said "point of view"....the figure showed the entire world upside down ,in the eyes of a bat!!
    so that is how i internalize the idea of looking through a different lens!!! :)
    great idea!

  5. "you must be the change you want to see in the world" ___Mahatma Gandhi

  6. Much appreciate your thought on lateral thinking as carved out in you editorial. Feel that lateral thinking need not be just deployed towards solving of problems in personal life, managing thoughts that can keep you happy etc. but can create wonders at your workplace for 2 obvious reasons:
    1. Lateral thinking is not a talent; it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and where appropriate profits.
    2. Perfect solutions of our difficulties are not to be looked for in an imperfect world.

    Cheers !

  7. I completely agree with you. Thanks for your valuable inputs. Thats another way we look at things may be.
